Nick has worked as a freelance cartoonist and humorous illustrator for over forty years.
He now draws fewer cartoons and produces drawings, paintings and monotype prints.
His work falls into these categories:
- On-the-spot drawings: of places, people and events. London and UK, some Europe. Nicaragua 1988; Hong Kong 1996; Orissa, India 2001-2. Published in The Oldie and national newspapers. Nick has a large ‘on-the-spot’ archive, drawn for publication.
- Drawings: from memory and imagination.
- Paintings: also from memory, imagination and from drawings.
- Monotype prints: one-off prints in colour and black and white.
- Cartoon drawings: published in Punch, Private Eye, The Spectator, The Oldie, The Financial Times and national press and magazines.
- Poetry: He has been writing poetry for over twenty years and has been published in various poetry magazines.
He has had one-man exhibitions at:
- The Riverside Gallery, Richmond 1997 and 2018
- The Nehru Centre, London 2003
- The Mercury Theatre, Colchester 1995
- The Waterman’s Art Centre, Brentford 1986
and shown work in mixed exhibitions at:
- Wednesday Printmakers, Riverside Gallery, Richmond 2019
- RA Summer Exhibition 2015
- London including ‘Art Erotica’, London 2012
- The Claude Andre Gallery, Brussels 1998
If you would like to see more work or discuss exhibiting, publishing or buying his work, please contact Nick.